Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Unlucky with hairdresser x)

Yep yep... it was sur! Two weeks ago I posted a picture of my "new hair color", something very discreet... cocoa strands to light up my natural color and now... these strands are... TADAM BLOND!!! -__- exactly what I really don't want! **Lucky girl**. I think it's too light compared to my natural color. I can't wait to dye my hair again... I'm waiting because I don't want to damage them...


  1. maybe your hair got blonder from the sun?:/

  2. I'm pretty sure all dyes turn brighter after few washes. But don't worry, I think it looks fine :)

  3. Yeah I think it's because of the sun, pool, sea etc. :/

    Thanks ;)
